Walmart is offering Walmart+ Members ( free trial available ) : Flat Tire Repair for Free.
Per benefit page: Free flat tire repair: Bring in your qualified auto tire. If it can be repaired, we’ll do it for free (a $15 value). Just scan the register QR code with your app at checkout. This benefit applies only to tires used on passenger cars, light trucks, minivans, small RVs & crossovers. As a trial or paid Walmart+ member, you can bring in an eligible flat tire & get it repaired, regardless of where the tire was purchased from. Available at all 2,500 Walmart Auto Care Centers nationwide.
Walmart is also offering Walmart+ Members ( free trial available ) : Road hazard warranty w/ tire & installation purchase.
Per benefit page: Free road hazard warranty: Purchase new tires with the Value package installation and you’ll get the warranty included for free. The warranty only applies to the original purchaser & the tires mounted & balanced on the original vehicle. It is non-transferable and covers things like nails, glass, & almost any unforeseen hazards of the road that could puncture or damage a tire. It is not offered for trailer, lawn & garden, ATV, or any other specialty tires.