Taco Bell Tuesday App Drop Specials – $2 Chicken Quesadilla, $2 Burrito Supreme, $2 Nachos BellGrande (varying times)

By | September 12, 2023 2:53 pm EST

I didn’t see a thread for the Taco Bell App Drops this week, so decided to make one so that codes can be posted as soon as they pop up (some people seem to get them quicker than others).
Looks like there are three deals dropping today, as follows:
(Note that time is listed as Pacific time, so adjust accordingly for other time zones)
12 PM – 2 PM (PDT) $2 Chicken Quesadilla
2 PM – 4 PM (PDT) $2 Burrito Supreme
4 PM – 6 PM (PDT) $2 Nachos BellGrande

Category: Uncategorized

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