Redcon1 has their 5LB Isotope – 100% Whey Protein Isolate on sale for $89.99.
If you choose to order via subscription, you get an additional 30% off the order, which brings the total to $62.50.
At checkout, add promo code: SECRET50 and it stacks an additional 50% off the order, which brings 5 Lbs of isolate to just $31.50+Tax with free shipping. There doesn’t appear to be a limit on how many you can order.
If you don’t want to keep the subscription order, I’d recommend canceling before you receive your 2nd shipment.
Their mint chocolate flavor is really good. I’m a fan of nearly every company’s mint chocoloate protein, and this one is also at the top of my list (Whey tech pro 24 is good / Myprotein is great – this one is between them).
Isotope – 100% Whey Isolate Protein (5 LB)
Mint Chocolate $89.99
50% OFF (-$31.49) SECRET50
TOTAL: $31.50…lb-isotope